48 Hour Kits
Children can be placed into foster care for a multitude of reasons at any time, day or night. With the fear of the unknown, this time can be very scary and stressful for both the kids and the families they are joining. They often come with a few belongings or only the clothes they are wearing. That's where we step in. We are looking to help fill in the gaps that babies and children might need within their first 48 hours. Instead of worrying about clothing and personal hygiene items, foster parents can focus on the kids and doing their best to help everyone feel safe and secure in the midst of this transition.
The Closet
A place where foster families can come and get baby/toddler items, hygiene items and
clothing for the children they are caring for in their home. We also offer events, free
babysitting nights, freezer meals, and other resources that help foster families
connect and find support in caring for the children placed in their care!
WRAP Teams
Did you know that you don’t have to become a foster parent in order to make a huge
impact on a child in foster care? There are many ways to make a difference. The old
saying, “It Takes a Village” couldn’t be more true! Consider being part of a
Wrap-Team for foster families that could benefit from your knowledge and talents.
“WRAP” stands for Words of Affirmation, Respite Care, Acts of Service, and Prayer.
Possible services that could help offer relief to these families include, but are not
limited to: home/car maintenance/repair, meal prep, transportation of children to
visits, mentorship,grocery shopping/delivery, lawn maintenance, and babysitting.